Domenico Pilato has over 35 years of experience in marketing, economic development, education, technology, government, and social services. Domenico’s work in community and economic development began with the City of Los Angeles as a Deputy Director of former Mayor Richard J. Riordan’s Office of Economic Development. The success of his projects was attributed to his leadership, program development and implementation, multiple partnerships, strategy building, and securing necessary resources.
As an economic development strategist, he developed a plan that focused on business retention, expansion, and attraction of new businesses to the City of Los Angeles, which led to the creation of L.A.’s Business Team. Domenico led the efforts to develop small business capital access coordination for underserved communities in the City of Los Angeles and received national recognition for model programs in the areas of procurement and job development. Through these model initiatives, he secured over 50 public and corporate partnerships, and promoted contract and procurement relationships between small and large businesses and governments, which resulted in over $2.5 billion in contract activity. He identified over $78 million in community development lending for a national securitization demonstration project. Domenico initiated and coordinated the design and development of a Los Angeles Business Assistance Virtual Network (BAVN) securing $775,000 in project funding.
He secured over $5.75 million in grant funding for small business outreach in the greater Los Angeles region. Domenico was instrumental in developing and launching the Los Angeles One Stop Capital Shop, Inc., and retained and attracted over 2,000 jobs for the Los Angeles Harbor and Watts communities.
Domenico’s consulting services provided opportunities for businesses, schools, government, and non-profit organizations, providing the skills to enhance their revenue by utilizing innovative and cost-effective strategies. Through his leadership, over $125 million was raised for schools. He designed seven technology projects utilized for marketing, fundraising, student information, and personnel records. Domenico’s clients included Orange County, City of Los Angeles, Port of Los Angeles, State of California, Archdiocese of Los Angeles, schools, municipal water districts, sanitation districts, small businesses, and movie and music entertainment companies.
Domenico spent nine years as a high school band director and, during his tenure, also served as an administrator. Through his leadership, his marching and wind ensembles, dance and flag teams, received international, national, state, and local championship titles. His groups participated in performances produced by Walt Disney and Radio City Music Hall.
Dedicated to our communities, he has worked with the elderly through senior assisted living programs, mental health patients residing in a state institution, abused children and women social service programs, and at-risk minors within the juvenile camp system. Domenico also lived and counseled children and adults on an American Indian Reservation.
Domenico is a musician and songwriter and enjoys composing music and providing live music and motivational speaking assemblies at schools throughout the United States. Domenico has a Bachelor of Arts in Liberal Arts from St. John’s College and completed postgraduate studies in music from Mount St. Mary’s University.